The Unarchiver

Open Source

The Unarchiver is designed only for Mac computers and is able only to open (not to create) almost any type of popular archives.

With this tool can extract content from ZIP, RAR, 7-ZIP and other related file types. Also supports ISO and BIN disc images.

Interface and use are simple.

Alternatives (5)

Filter alternatives by all licenses and Windows
WinRAR is the most popular competitor of WinZip regarding creation and manipulation of archive files.…
Linux Mac Windows
Open Source
7-Zip is a reliable substitute for commercial products such as WinRAR and WinZip that offers…
WinZip is a popular software that is able to compress file or files in order…
Android iPad iPhone Mac Windows
Open Source
PeaZip is a free and popular substitute for popular archivators such as WnZip. It works…
Linux Windows
Free for commercial use
B1 Free Archiver is an archive creator and opener that work on all major platforms…
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